On August 24, 1970 at 7712 Hamilton Avenue, Pittsburg, PA, the last son of Lee and Angeline Vaughn expires, Andrew W. Vaughn. After the funeral and burial, many of his nieces, nephews, and cousins from many parts of the United States were sitting around the dining room table after dinner. The conversation came up again, “The family Reunion”, which had been discussed in past years by the older generation. Wheeler Barnes of Washington, D.C., remembered his cousin William Vaughn of Winston-Salem N.C., who had discussed with him this subject of having a “Family Reunion”. It was at this time that Wheeler Barnes suggested having a family reunion on a happy occasion, since the last uncle had expired. All sitting around the table agree. Elizabeth Barnes Anderson of Washington, D.C., a niece of the deceased was named Secretary-Treasurer. It was agreed that the following named persons would make contact with Mrs. Marion Barnes Williams (Pittsburg, PA) Mr. Aaron Brevard (Pittsburg, PA) Mr. Ernest Brevard (Pittsburg, PA) Mrs. Bessie Barnes Bogle (Philadelphia, PA) Mrs. Paulina Vaughn (Washington, DC) Mrs. Lee Alma Vaughn (Winston-Salem, NC) Mr. and Mrs. Helene Barnes Taylor (Wilberforce, OH) Mrs. Nellie Barnes (Pittsburg, PA) If was further agreed that the program committee would consist of members of the family located in Washington, DC area namely: Mr. William Barnes Mrs. Elizabeth Anderson Mrs. Willie Mae Mullen Mrs. Pauline Davis Mr. Wheeler Barnes Mrs. Lucille Barnes McGraw This group agreed to meet and make the necessary plans for this reunion. Each adult member would be assed $2.00 as a registration fee to take care of correspondence, printing, and miscellaneous expenses. Significantly, this represented and interrelated families that are what they are…. Offspring of descendants who can trace their bloodline back to some 100 years, over a winding trail from South Carolina to Nigeria. | ||||